Rachel graduated as a veterinary surgeon in 2010 and worked as a horse vet for 10 years before taking up professional sailing.

Iceberg hunting in Greenland with Skirr Adventures, August 2024

She is now an RYA Yachtmaster Ocean and Cruising Instructor with over 75,000 miles experience of ocean racing, including the Sydney-Hobart (2022), a Clipper circumnavigation (2019-2022) as well as in various offshore and inshore events in Australia, the Channel Islands and the UK.

Maiden finishes the OGR in April 2024, although we didn’t know we had won until a few days later!

In 2023 she was First Mate on board the iconic yacht Maiden, breaking world records with the all female crew winning the Ocean Globe Race, based on the original Whitbred race from the 80s and using only traditional navigation.

Summer 2024 she enjoyed working with Skirr Adventures as first mate onboard the 68ft expedition yacht, teaching adventurous crew to sail and have fun exploring Scotland, The Faroe Islands, Iceland and Arctic Greenland.